June Gardening Calendar

Salmon-color roses, a deep pink hibiscus bloom, pepper plants in garden with mulch and drip system.Wondering What You Should Be Doing In Your Garden?

Below is a calendar of key things you can be doing in your garden during the month of June.

Approximate Timing & June Gardening Activities

Early June:

  • Summer is here! Check drips, timers and irrigation to ensure proper watering. To learn more, check out these tips from Water - Use It Wisely!
  • Add summer color to your garden and patio with vinca, pentas and more...
  • Prune your plants to help protect them from summer wind storms.


  • It's Father's Day soon! We have a variety of garden-inspired gifts for Dad... 
  • Plants turning yellow from extra watering? If so, use Chelated Iron to green them up, and nitrogen for strong growth.
  • Houseplants turning yellow? Learn how to help them.
  • Summer Harvest is upon us. Check your Tasty Garden for veggies that are ready to eat!

Late June:

Click the button below to download a PDF version of this calendar, for easy printing or larger viewing...


seedlings in biodegradeable pots in seed trays

June Planting Calendar

Plant the following edibles from 6/1 - 6/30:

  • Seeds: Yardlong beans, blackeyed peas, Armenian cucumbers, cantaloupe melons, and sunflower
  • Transplants: Sweet potatoes

To get the most out of your garden harvest, visit your local SummerWinds Nursery and let our Trusted Garden Advisors help you select the best vegetables and the right time to plant.  For additional tips, download the Maricopa County Garden Planting Calendar for Annual Fruits and Vegetables.

A hibiscus bloom, a drip line near a strawberry plant and a rose in bloom with mulch underneath.

Want More?  Register for one of our FREE Learn ‘n Grow classes online!

Contact your local SummerWinds Nursery to learn more.

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