
2 images of a person pouring fertilizer onto the dirt in the garden and a second image of a hand holding up dirt in the garden with elements of the soil, showing all around

Timing – How Often:calender with no month indicated sitting on table next to white coffee cup with cactus planted inside and beautiful plants blurred in the background

  • Vegetables – Fertilize vegetables monthly
  • Fruit & Shade Trees – Fertilize 3 times per year; in March, June and October.
  • Shrubs – Every 2 months
  • Perennials – Monthly
  • Annuals – Monthly
  • Natives –We recommend fertilizing natives sparingly with fish or seaweed emulsion in February and September.

Types of Fertilizers: SummerWinds Nursery carries a number of types of fertilizers, including: organic fertilizer, liquid, water soluble and granular fertilizer.

NPK Labelling of FertilizersChart for fertilizer that shows N for nitrogen, P for phosphorous and K for potassium and it says green foliage, strong roots and healthy growth

The numbers on the bag associated with each letter are the percentages of that element. For example, 16-4-8 is 16% nitrogen, 4% phosphorus, and 8% potassium.

  • Nitrogen (N) – helps with leaf development and makes your lawn green
  • Phosphorous (P) – aids in root development
  • Potassium (K) – Vital for disease resistance and root development

E.B. Stone Organics Fertilizers

SummerWinds Nursery carries a wide variety of fertilizers, including those from E.B. Stone Organics. Some of our favorites are:

4 lb box of e.b. stone organics all purpose plant food or fertilizerAll Purpose Plant Food

5-5-5 is an organic fertilizer ideal for vegetables, trees, shrubs, lawns, and flower gardens. Registered cdfa.

E.B. Stone Organics Azalea, Camellia & Gardenia Food 4 lb. BoxAzalea, Camellia & Gardenia Food

E.B. Stone Organics Azalea, Camellia & Gardenia Food 5-5-3 is ideal for use with azalea, camellia, and gardenias, as well as other acid-loving plants such as, rhododendrons, fuchsia and evergreen conifers. Registered cdfa.

A package of E.B. Stone Organics Bulb Food - FertilizerBulb Food

E.B. Stone Organics Bulb Food 4-6-4 is a premium blended fertilizer developed to provide vital nutrients for abundant growth and flowers throughout the bloom period, and for developing a strong root system and vigorous bulbs. Registered cdfa.

4 lb. box of e.b. stone organics citrus and fruit tree food or fertilizerCitrus & Fruit Tree Food

E.B. Stone Organics Citrus & Fruit Tree Food 7-3-3 is ideal for use with citrus trees, fruit trees and other fruit producing plants such as berries. Also good for shade trees, flowering trees, and vines. Registered cdfa. Pair with E.B. Stone Naturals Soil Sulfur.

4 lb bag of e.b. stone organics hibiscus & palm food or fertilizerHibiscus & Palm Food

E.B. Stone Organics Hibiscus & Palm Food 6-5-3 is ideal for palms, hibiscus, and other tropical plants. Registered cdfa.

4 lb box of eb stone organics rose & flower foodRose & Flower Food

E.B. Stone Organics Rose & Flower Food 5-6-3 is suggested for roses, perennials, and other flowering plants. Long lasting, slow-release nitrogen. Registered cdfa. Use with E.B. Stone Organics Rose Grow Planting Mix and E.B. Stone Naturals Soil Sulfur.

E.B. Stone Organics Sure Start Fertilizer 4 lb. boxSure Start

E.B. Stone Organics Sure Start 4-6-2 is ideal for newly transplanted plants. It encourages the development of strong roots. Registered cdfa.

E.B. stone organics tomato and vegetable foodTomato & Vegetable Food

E.B. Stone Organics Tomato & Vegetable Food 4-5-3 can be used throughout your vegetable garden, in addition to being used with soft fruits (such as strawberries) to produce high-quality fruits and vegetables. Registered cdfa.

4 lb box of eb stone organics tree and shrub food fertilizerTree & Shrub Food

E.B. Stone Organics Tree & Shrub Food 7-2-2 is a 100% natural and organic fertlizer blended with humic acid and beneficial soil microbes for long-lasting, non-burning plant success. Formulated to encourage lush green foliage and to support bountiful flower production. Nitrogen rich and registered cdfa.

4 lb box of e.b. stone organics ultra bloom plant food or fertilzerUltra-Bloom Plant Food

E.B. Stone Organics Ultra Bloom Plant Food 0-10-10 is good for all plants, particularly Azaleas, Camellias and Rhodenderons. Add to flowering plants when buds begin to form. In addition to encouraging the development of flowers and fruit, this fertilizer also helps plants resist disease. Registered cdfa.

A container of Grow More Hawaiian Bud & Bloom fertilizerGrow More Hawaiian Bud & Bloom

This 5-50-17 instant water soluable, urea-free concentrate is made with chelated micronutrients. Specially formulated for all flowerings, fruiting and colored foliage plants, including: Anthuriums, Bird of Paradise, Bougainvilleas, Flowering Vines, Lilikoi, Ginger, Hydrangeas, Mums, Plumeria, Tomatoes, Impatiens, Annual, Perennials and Bulbs. Highly recommended as a starter and transplant solution.

Tank's Green Stuff - 100% Natural Organic SuperMixTank’s SuperMix 100% Organic Fertilizer

Tank's Green Stuff SuperMix Organic Fertilizer, certified by OMRI, stands out as a comprehensive soil amendment suitable for both new ventures and thriving gardens. Crafted with a blend of worm castings, bat guano, biochar, and 13 other organic ingredients, this fertilizer is carefully cured to ensure a balanced and versatile nourishment source. With an NPK ratio of 2-2-1, SuperMix guarantees safe application at any growth stage without the risk of harming the plants. It's specifically formulated to offer an immediate nutrient boost while fostering long-term soil health and enhancing nutrient accessibility. SuperMix's efficacy extends across a wide range of plants, including vegetables, flowers, trees, fruits, cacti, succulents, and citrus, making it an ideal choice for gardeners seeking to enrich their soil and promote a thriving ecosystem of beneficial soil microbiology.

Fertilizers for Cactus & Succulents

A bottle of Grow More Cactus Juice - plant food for cacti and succulentsCactus Juice

This 1-7-6 fertilizer from Grow More provides calcium and other nutrients to cacti and succulents.

A bottle of Miracle-Gro® Succulent Plant FoodSucculent Plant Food

This 0.5-1-1 fertilizer from Miracle-Gro® instantly feeds succulents and cacti. Specially formulated for use with all cacti, jade, aloe, and other popular succulents.

Fertlizers for Lawns

A bag of True Organic - Organic Lawn Food.

True Organic - Organic Lawn Food

True Organic Lawn Food is an eco-friendly solution for a vibrant, green lawn, providing essential nutrients like nitrogen and iron without synthetic chemicals. Its safe formula allows for immediate use around children and pets, suitable for established and new lawns alike. With an NPK of 10-1-1 and no harmful additives, it promotes healthy growth and a lush appearance, ensures no risk of burning when used properly, and is certified for organic use by OMRI.

A bag of ferti•lome® Green Maker - Premium Lawn Food

Ferti-lome Green Maker

This 18-0-6 premium lawn food is especially formulated for alkaline soils. 10% sulfur helps correct excessive alkalinity, while 5% iron makes lawns green.

A bag of ferti•lome® New Lawn Starter Fertilizer

Ferti-lome New Lawn Starter Fertilizer

This 9-13-7 fertilizer is designed to help grass seed and sod develop roots and mature stems before rapid growth begins. Helps sod to establish. Can be applied with grass seed or immediately after seed is sown.

A bag of GreenAll Lawn Food.GreenAll Lawn Food

This specially crafted lawn fertilizer is enriched with essential nutrients to foster robust lawn growth and vitality. It includes sulfur, iron, manganese, and zinc to ensure your lawn retains a vibrant green hue. Each 16 lb. bag can nourish up to 4,000 sq. ft. of grass. Its composition includes 6.35% Ammoniacal Nitrogen and 18.65% Urea Nitrogen, of which 5% is a slow-release Nitrogen sourced from Polymer Coated Urea, alongside 9% Sulfur, 3% Iron, 0.20% Manganese, and 0.20% Zinc, providing a balanced blend for optimal lawn health.

Earth's Original Organics

Tony's Magic Flower and Tony's Magic Mix are Organic-based fertilizers that contain a complete balance of nutrients so nothing else is needed... Both products can be made into a fertilizer tea for easy application.

Tony's Magic Flower

Contains beneficial mycorrhizae, bat guano, molasses, and a high degree of macro and micro nutrients - including nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, copper, calcium, magnesium, manganese and sulfur.

A bag of Tony's Magic Flower fertilizer by Earth's Original Organics


  • Container plants
  • Established container and indoor flowering plants
  • Vegetable and flower gardens
  • Adenium and plumeria
  • Flower beds
  • Citrus and fruit trees
  • Rose, hibiscus and flowering plants
  • Potted cacti and succulents
  • Flowering trees

Tony's Magic Mix

Contains beneficial mycorrhizae, bat guano, kelp meal, neem seed meal, magnesium sulfate, molasses, and Montmorillonite clay/volcanic ash.

A bag of Tony's Magic Mix fertilizer by Earth's Original Organics


  • Vegetable and flower gardens
  • Banana plants
  • Grape vines
  • Citrus and fruit trees
  • Roses
  • Container plants
  • Adenium and plumeria
  • Transplants
  • Indoor house plants
  • General landscape shrubs
  • Individual plants
  • Shade and ornamental trees

True Organic™ Fertilizers

True Organic™ takes pride in producing all their products in-house and clearly listing every component their  high-quality mixtures. Their ingredients range from seabird guano and poultry manure to soybean and fish bone meal, ensuring transparency and honesty in what you receive. Along with this, True Organic™ provides a wealth of independent certifications to validate the effectiveness of their products in cultivating plants that are not only visually appealing but also abundantly fruitful.

A bag of True Organic Annuals & Perennials Food.Annuals & Perennials Food

True Organic™ Annuals & Perennials Food is designed to enrich flowering plants with stunning blooms and strong foliage. This people and pet-friendly formula is a 100% organic, granular blend with 4% calcium and an NPK ratio of 3-5-4, ensuring it's free from sludge, fillers, or additives. It's suitable for both in-ground and container plants, promoting healthy growth. Certified by OMRI for Organic use, it guarantees a natural and effective nutrition source for your garden's annuals and perennials.

A bag of True Organic Blood Meal.Blood Meal

True Organic™ Blood Meal, OMRI listed for Organic use, is a single-ingredient, granular fertilizer that enriches soil and supports the lush growth of plants like corn, spinach, broccoli, and leafy greens, thanks to its high nitrogen content (NPK 12-0-0). This people and pet-friendly product boosts healthy growth and improves soil wellness over time with 100% organic and natural ingredients, free from sludge, fillers, or additives. It's versatile for use with both in-ground and container plants, ensuring a quick and sustainable growth solution for heavy feeders.

A bag of True Organic Bone Meal.Bone Meal

True Organic™ Bone Meal, OMRI listed for Organic use, is a single-ingredient, granular fertilizer rich in calcium, designed to strengthen plant cell walls and root systems. This people and pet-friendly product offers a balanced supply of nitrogen and phosphorus (NPK 7-7-0) to support overall growth, flowering, and fruiting. Made from 100% organic and natural ingredients without any sludge, fillers, or additives, it's ideal for both in-ground and container plants. True Organic™ Bone Meal provides a sustainable way to nourish your garden, ensuring plants grow healthy and strong.

A bag of True Organic Fruit & Nut Tree Food.Fruit & Nut Tree Food

True Organic™ Fruit & Nut Tree Food, OMRI listed for Organic use, boosts tree growth and increases fruit and nut yields with its people and pet-friendly, granular blend that includes 4% calcium to prevent blossom end rot. Composed entirely of organic and natural ingredients, free from sludge, fillers, or additives, it's suitable for both in-ground and container plants. This fertilizer offers an NPK ratio of 5-4-6, ensuring your trees receive balanced nutrition for productive and healthy development.

A photo of True Organic Herb & Leafy Greens Food - Organic FertilizerHerb & Leafy Greens Food

True Organic™ Herb & Leafy Greens Food, certified OMRI for Organic use, is specially formulated to nurture abundant organic herbs and leafy greens. This granular blend, safe for both people and pets, includes 7% calcium, which contributes to stronger plants and faster growth. Made entirely from organic and natural ingredients, without any sludge, fillers, or additives, it's perfect for both in-ground and container plants. This fertilizer offers a balanced NPK ratio of 4-4-6, ensuring your herbs and greens receive the nutrients they need for optimal growth.

Organic Lawn Food

To learn about True Organic - Organic Lawn Food, click here.

A bag of True Organic - Organic Root Enhancer.

Organic Root Enhancer

True Organic™ - Organic Root Enhancer, OMRI listed for Organic use, is designed to significantly boost the growth of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers by forming a symbiotic relationship with plant roots. This enhances the plants' ability to absorb nutrients and water more efficiently, increases their resistance to stress, and supports robust growth. Made from a powerful, single-species endomycorrhizal inoculum, it helps reduce transplant shock, improves soil nutrient retention, and optimizes the plant's nutrient usage. This enhancer is ideal for a variety of gardening applications, including containers, raised beds, and row crops, promoting stronger plant and root development for higher yields.

A bag of True Organic Raised Bed Food - Organic FertilizerRaised Bed Food

True Organic™ Raised Bed Food, OMRI listed for Organic use, is a specialized blend crafted for raised beds to cultivate a rich harvest of organic fruits, flowers, vegetables, herbs, and foliage. This people and pet-friendly formula combines farm-grade ingredients like Seabird Guano, Shrimp, and Crab Shell meal, ensuring a nutrient-rich environment for plants and soil. Composed entirely of organic and natural ingredients, it is free from sludge, fillers, or additives, making it safe for both in-ground and container gardening. This fertilizer provides a balanced NPK ratio of 6-3-6, supporting healthy growth and abundant yields.

A bag of True Organic Seabird Guano.Seabird Guano

True Organic™ Seabird Guano, OMRI listed for organic use, serves as an exceptional fertilizer for promoting the growth of abundant organic fruits, flowers, vegetables, herbs, and foliage. Esteemed in organic farming for its high phosphorous content and slow-release nitrogen, it nourishes both plants and soil microbes, fostering ideal conditions for vegetative growth. Suitable for in-ground and container plants, it is recommended to apply this nutrient-rich guano twice a year, during spring and fall. True Organic™ Seabird Guano offers a potent NPK ratio of 6-12-0, ensuring a natural and effective boost for your garden's productivity.

True Organic™ Liquid Plant Food

True Organic™ Liquid plant food is blended from natural and organic farm-grade ingredients proven to be extremely beneficial for both plants and soil.

A bottle of True Organic Liquid Bloom Boost - Organic FertilizerLiquid Bloom Boost

Boost your garden's flowering and fruiting with True Organic's OMRI-listed Liquid Bloom Boost, suitable for both beds and containers. It's people and pet safe, featuring Soy Protein Hydrolysate for plant and soil health. Made with 100% organic ingredients and free from sludge and additives, it's perfect for all plant types. This booster has an NPK of 2-3-2 to enhance blooms and fruits efficiently.

A bottle of True Organic Liquid All Purpose Plant Food - Organic FertilizerLiquid All Purpose Plant Food

True Organic's OMRI-listed Liquid All Purpose Plant Food, suitable for all types of organic gardening. It's people and pet safe, enriched with Soy Protein Hydrolysate to benefit plants and soil alike. Made with 100% organic ingredients, free from sludge and additives, this food is great for both in-ground and container plants. Effective over 30 sq. ft. per 2 oz. mixed with a gallon of water, it features a nourishing NPK formula of 3-2-2 to support robust growth across your garden.

A bottle of True Organic Liquid Tomato & Vegetable Food - Organic FertilizerLiquid Tomato & Vegetable Food

Boost your tomatoes and vegetables with True Organic's OMRI-listed Liquid Tomato & Vegetable Food. This people and pet-friendly fertilizer is crafted from 100% organic and natural ingredients. Free of sludge, fillers, or additives, it's perfect for both in-ground and container plants. With an NPK ratio of 3-2-3, it ensures more nutritious and flavorful harvests.

Have questions about which fertilizer is best for your gardening needs? Our Trusted Garden Advisors are available to answer all of your questions about how to create the ideal growing conditions for your plants.

At SummerWinds, We Guarantee Success!