Be Inspired Blog - Arizona

6 Fabulous Plants for your Desert Garden
Add Texture and Color to Your Desert Garden with These Great Plants
Desert gardens can be absolutely beautiful without feeling like you have to water all the time. Below are 6 desert plants we love, almost all of which are low-water use (once established).

From small to large agave plants, SummerWinds Nursery has over 20 agave varieties to choose from. In colors ranging from silvery, earthy greens to bright and bluish greens, we're certain to have an agave plant you'll love! Low-water use, once established.

Did you know that there are many aloe varieties? These versatile succulents can be grown in your garden landscape or in pots. Some varieties have teeth or thorns, while others have tall-growing colorful blooms. Low-water use, once established.
Read our blog to learn about, The Many Wonderful Uses of Aloe Vera.

Bougainvillea vines and bushes can provide a wonderful pop of color in your garden, or on your deck or patio. Choose from a wide variety of colors, including white, yellow, pink, orange, red and purple. Low-water use once established.

Euphorbia rigida
This herbaceous perennial grows 1-2 feet tall and 2-3 feet wide. Showy green blooms with chartreuse-yellow bracts bloom from April to June. Foliage turns to beautiful red-bronze tones in the fall. Enjoys full sun, is deer resistant and drought-tolerant once established. Also known as gopher spurge or upright myrtle spurge.

This flowering shrub is available in rainbow of stunning colors. Available in perennial varieties and can be grown as a shrub or small patio tree. While hibiscus require regular watering—weekly or more often in extreme heat—they boast beautiful summer blooms!

There are many types of lantana available, from dwarf plant forms to trailing, bushy and popcorn varieties. Lantana comes in a wide range of colors and is enjoyed by bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. They can be grown in full sun, and are drought-tolerant once established.
Questions? Stop by your local SummerWinds Garden and speak with one of our Trusted Garden Advisors to learn more.