Be Inspired Blog

Collage with 4 picts: butterfly on echinacea in garden with other flowers, raised vegetable garden beds with  edible plants and flowers, sage planted in garden, and cherry tomatoes growing near a purple flower

Organic Gardening

Organic gardening and landscaping provide eco-friendly benefits, nutrient-rich soil, optimal plant growth, and biodiversity through chemical-free practices. Plus, it yields resilient plants, reduces water usage, and ensures safer, healthier produce—benefiting us, our environment and local wildlife!

Painting a tree trunk white, watering a plant surrounded by mulch, and shade cloth over a large area of raised bed veggie gardens.

Summer Heatwave Tips To Help Protect Your Plants

Ongoing, summer heatwaves are difficult on people, wildlife and plants. To help relieve some of the stress your plants are under, here are some key gardening tips from our Master Gardener, Jack.

Garden shovel and plant

How to Prepare for Your Fall Edible Garden

In Arizona, we're lucky enough to have two growing seasons—spring and fall—to stock up on fresh produce from our backyards. Though we're still a few months out before we plant our fall edible gardens, that doesn't mean we shouldn't start planning for them now!

Low water use plants, trees and groundcovers.

Why the Desert Benefits from Low-Water-Use Plants Over Turf or Rockscapes

In today's climate, low-water-use plants have emerged as the superior choice over traditional lawns, artificial turf, and rockscapes due to their many advantages—especially in regions like ours that are facing water scarcity and environmental challenges. Ready more to discover why...

Three desert landscapes with flourishing plants - as an alternative to lifeless rockscapes.

Why Rockscapes Aren't All They're Cracked Up To Be

Especially during the summer, we look for ways to keep our homes and yards more comfortable without breaking the bank on bills. Smart landscaping choices can help keep you cool inside and out. Learn how to create a cooler, balanced and desert-friendly yard while incorporating low-water-use plants!