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5 Tips for Urban Container Gardening
Not everyone has access to a lush backyard where the soil is rich and ready for planting. For many of us urbanites and suburbanites, growing plants in individual pots or containers (container gardening) is often the only option for growing fruits and veggies. However, container gardening actually has a lot of benefits and is a wonderful way to enjoy growing your own food.
If you have found yourself among the growing population of city dwellers where urban gardening has become a necessity, then celebrate! It might not be traditional, but you have entered the realm of gardening where you have unlimited options for creating your own little secret garden. Container gardening is not only rewarding but it is affordable to start and, it's portable, making it easier to plan. Container gardening can quickly turn a concrete jungle setting into an inviting space full of living and edible greens. You can make ample use of patios, windowsills, rooftops, balconies, and anywhere else that you have a little space and sunlight.
With a little planning and minimal effort, you will find your urban garden thriving. Outlined below are the five basic principles to container gardening that you need to consider. These principles go hand in hand with making important decisions on how to best plan for your urban container garden. After these five basic principles have been met, the sky is the limit with what you can create.
5 Basic Principles of Container Gardening
With a little planning and minimal effort, you will find your urban garden thriving. Outlined below are the five basic principles to container gardening that you need to consider. These principles go hand in hand with making important decisions on how to best plan for your urban container garden. After these five basic principles have been met, the sky is the limit with what you can create.
Planning the location for your garden is the first and most important step. You can always make do with the space you have, which is why planning your location is key. Location will determine what plants you can grow, as well as the size of the container needed to carry out your gardening plans. It’s a general rule of green thumb to choose a spot that will get at least 6 hours of sunlight. While some herbs will do well with less than 6 hours of sunlight, most plants need at least that, if not more. Some plants may also have some special requirements when subjected to outside conditions, like pests and weather. If you know your growing conditions are limited as a result of the location, chose plants that will thrive under those specific conditions.
Plant Selection
Plant selection is the second most important step because it determines the size of your containers and the requirements for watering and soil. When growing in limited space, “companion planting” is a resourceful way to utilize the maximum square footage available. Certain plants grow well together in snug spaces and assist each other in overall growth and maximum production. With some research and planning you will be amazed at how productive your garden can be. Even in limited space, the rewards of properly selecting your plants pays off in abundance.
Choosing Your Containers
There are many factors that go into choosing what sort of containers will be right for your garden. Take into account your personal gardening style. Keep in mind the ease of access to your containers, as well as the height and what you can lift or move. The most important factor to consider is ensuring you have adequate space for you plants to mature. Plant size, growth habit and root depth is extremely important when choosing containers. You will need enough space for your plants to spread out and be happy, without overcrowding one another. Choosing the right containers for your plants will ensure you don't restrict the growth of your plants, and will yield a more abundant harvest. Another important aspect to choosing your containers will be the watering needs of your plants. Smaller pots and containers will dry out quickly and demand more daily attention.
There are unlimited possibilities for what you can grow plants in, as a quick Pinterest search will prove, but first and foremost make sure what you choose is right for your plants.
Watering is so important for successfully growing your container garden. There are many different options for watering such as, self-watering planters, Oya pots, watering timers, drip irrigation, or the good old fashioned hand watering method. It is really a matter of what works best with your schedule and the needs of your plant selections. You will absolutely want to make sure you have a plan in place for ensuring your plants get properly watered.
Plants, like humans, need a healthy diet to thrive. There are all sorts of recommendations on the right kind of soil to be used for container gardening. A lot will depend on how you plan to water, and what you are growing. SummerWinds natural and organic potting soil is a really good place to start. It’s enriched with all the necessary ingredients your plants will need to mature successfully. No matter which soil you feel is best for your garden, make sure to pick a brand that is trusted and contains all the plant food necessary to help your plants grow big and strong.
Your Trusted Garden Advisors
Growing your own food is both fun and rewarding. If you are still not feeling confident that’s okay, starting something new can be scary. Let SummerWinds Nursery help you grow your very own tasty garden that fits your lifestyle and needs! Enjoy the varieties you want, along with the gratification that only digging in a little dirt can provide. SummerWinds has an incredible assortment of fresh fruits, vegetable, and herbs, arriving daily; perfect for growing on your patio, kitchen counter, garden or balcony.
You might have opted for container gardening due to lack of space or land, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get amazing results from your limited space. With tips from SummerWinds, you can grow plants like a real farmer—even if it’s out on your patio. At SummerWinds Nursery, our Trusted Garden Advisors can assist you in: picking the best location to grow your garden, choosing the proper containers, selecting the best plants and how to best care for your plants. At SummerWinds, We Guarantee Success!
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