April Gardening Calendar

Butterfly with purple pentas, a desert tree, and a red-blooming cactus.Wondering What You Should Be Doing In Your Garden?

Below is a calendar of key things you can be doing in your garden during the month of April.

Approximate Timing & April Gardening Activities

Early April:

  • Remove any cold-weather flowers that have faded with the heat. Summer annuals are available now!
  • Plant your shade trees now, so they can begin to get established before it gets too hot!
  • It's aphid season. Spray your roses and flowering plants with Bonide Captain Jack's Tomato & Vegetable 3-in-1 RTU spray.
  • Install a drip irrigation system now, so your plants get the water they need—especially throughout the summer, when hand-watering is the least effective method to support your plants.


  • It's time to plant veggies and herbs that like it hot, such as squashes, watermelons and more!
  • Cacti are blooming! We have a variety of beautiful, low-water desert plants to choose from...
  • Check your watering system for clogged drippers and torn lines so that your system is watering as desired before our warm weather hits!

Late April:

  • Add iron and nitrogen to soil to stave off the yellowing of plants.
  • Transition to your summer lawn with Bermuda Grass Seed.
  • Apply Pre-Emergent weed controls to prevent summer weeds!

Click the button below to download a PDF version of this calendar, for easy printing or larger viewing...


seedlings in biodegradeable pots in seed trays

April Planting Calendar

Plant the following edibles from 4/1 - 4/14:

  • Seeds: Basil, Lima beans, snap beans and yardlong beans, carrots, sweet corn, cucumbers, Armenian cucumbers, cantaloupe melons, okra, green onions, peanuts, radishes, summer squash, and sunflower
  • Transplants: Jerusalem artichokes, basil, and sweet potatoes

Plant the following edibles from 4/15 - 4/30:

  • Seeds: Basil, snap beans and yardlong beans, carrots, cucumbers, Armenian cucumbers, cantaloupe melons, okra, green onions, peanuts, radishes, and sunflower
  • Transplants: Jerusalem artichokes, basil, and sweet potatoes

To get the most out of your garden harvest, visit your local SummerWinds Nursery and let our Trusted Garden Advisors help you select the best vegetables and the right time to plant.  For additional tips, download the Maricopa County Garden Planting Calendar for Annual Fruits and Vegetables.

2 images: Strawberries growing and a Texas mountain laurel tree in bloom

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