July Gardening Calendar

A pink adenium plant, pink and yellow plumeria in bloom, and summer beverages with fresh fruits.Wondering What You Should Be Doing In Your Garden?

Below is a calendar of key things you can be doing in your garden during the month of July.

Approximate Timing & July Gardening Activities

Early July:

  • It's Monsoon season in the Valley of the Sun and we've got some tips to help protect your plants, as well as ways you can take advantage of the weather!
  • Enjoy your favorite festive recipes with garden-fresh fruits, veggies and herbs on Independence Day!

4 lb box of e.b. stone organics all purpose plant food or fertilizerMid-July:

  • Desert Blooms? Now's the time to purchase beautiful adeniums, and fragrant plumerias.
  • Any pests hanging around? We've got solutions for ants, beetles and more!
  • Plants turning yellow? Try our great summer-safe fertilizers and plant food from E.B. Stone Organics!

Late July:

Click the button below to download a PDF version of this calendar, for easy printing or larger viewing...


seedlings in biodegradeable pots in seed trays

July Planting Calendar

Plant the following edibles from 7/1 - 7/14:

  • Seeds: Yardlong beans, blackeyed peas, Armenian cucumbers, cantaloupe melons, pumpkin, winter squash, and sunflower
  • Transplants you grew from seed: Peppers*
  • Sets: Shallots*

Plant the following edibles from 7/15 - 7/31:

  • Seeds: Pinto beans, snap beans, blackeyed peas, sweet corn, cantaloupe melons, pumpkin, winter squash, and sunflower
  • Transplants you grew from seed: Peppers*, tomatoes*
  • Sets: Shallots*

* Pepper and tomato plants not yet available in-store; coming in August. Shallot sets coming in September.

To get the most out of your garden harvest, visit your local SummerWinds Nursery and let our Trusted Garden Advisors help you select the best vegetables and the right time to plant.  For additional tips, download the Maricopa County Garden Planting Calendar for Annual Fruits and Vegetables.

Refreshing punch drink with fresh fruits, and a beautiful pink adenium with purple flowers in the background.

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Contact your local SummerWinds Nursery to learn more.

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