How-to Garden Videos

3 images: someone planting a raised edible garden bed, someone pruning a shrub or tree, and a drip line running by a stawberry plant

Check out our easy and informative how-to videos for your gardening succcess!

Scroll down or click the links below to access videos on the following gardening topics:

How-to Prep Your Soil

In this how-to video we'll show you the best way to prep your soil before planting. Follow these few simple steps and find success in planting and growing healthy trees, shrubs and other plants.

How-to Plant Trees and Shrubs

This how-to video will show you the basics to planting trees, shrubs and more. We'll focus on trees but the same can apply to shrubs, perennials and more. With these simple steps, you can successfully plant your next garden.

How-to Water

In this how-to video, we'll give you some tips on watering those precious plants.

How-to Prune

We'll show you some pruning basics for trees and shrubs, in this how-to video. The tips provided will help train the tree or shrub, maintain the health and improve the quality of the tree or shrub. These basic tips will help with rose pruning but for additional tips on how to prune roses, check our events for upcoming free classes. 

3 images: someone planting a raised edible garden bed, someone pruning a shrub or tree, and a drip line running by a stawberry plant

Check out our easy and informative how-to videos for your gardening succcess!

Scroll down or click the links below to access videos on the following gardening topics:

How-to Prep Your Soil

In this how-to video we'll show you the best way to prep your soil before planting. Follow these few simple steps and find success in planting and growing healthy trees, shrubs and other plants.

How-to Plant Trees and Shrubs

This how-to video will show you the basics to planting trees, shrubs and more. We'll focus on trees but the same can apply to shrubs, perennials and more. With these simple steps, you can successfully plant your next garden.

How-to Water

In this how-to video, we'll give you some tips on watering those precious plants.

How-to Prune

We'll show you some pruning basics for trees and shrubs, in this how-to video. The tips provided will help train the tree or shrub, maintain the health and improve the quality of the tree or shrub. These basic tips will help with rose pruning but for additional tips on how to prune roses, check our events for upcoming free classes. 

How-to Plant a Raised Bed Garden

In this how-to video, you'll learn the basics to planting a raised bed garden and the benefits. This quick DIY/How-to video will get you growing successfully.

How-to Plant a Raised Bed Garden

In this how-to video, you'll learn the basics to planting a raised bed garden and the benefits. This quick DIY/How-to video will get you growing successfully.