Palms for Indoors & Outdoors

Awesome Desert Palms for Indoors & Out
Indoor Palms
Indoor palms can add that splash of fresh, airy greenery that so many people enjoy! Check out these beautiful indoor palms, perfect for your home or office!

Broadleaf Lady Palm
Also known as a Lady Palm, Finger Palm, and Bamboo Palm, Rhaphis excelsa boasts fan-shaped glossy green fronds with up to eight segments that grow on dense clumps of upright slender green stems. Can also be grown outdoors in partial shade (and when protected from cold/frost).
- Light: Enjoys partial sun/shade. Is very tolerant of low-light.
- Soil: Prefers loamy, well-drained soil
- Water: Water when the top inch of soil starts to dry out
- Other: Fairly slow growing
- Availability: Limited availability

Fishtail Palm
Fishtail Palms (Caryota mitis) boasts leaves reminiscent of fish fins and can be a beautiful though challenging houseplant to grow. Can also be grown outdoors in partial shade (when protected from cold/frost).
- Light: Needs bright light to thrive indoors
- Soil: Prefers a potting mix with good, porous drainage
- Water: For optimal growth, let the soil dry slightly between waterings (evenly moist but not wet)
- Other: Slow growing up to 10 feet tall with enough light. Fertilize every few months with a slow-release fertilizer.
- Availability: Limited availability

Kentia Palm
Looking for a large, fabulous indoor plant? Look no further than Kentia palms (Howea forsteriana). These elegant palms are slow growing and perfect for indoor containers. Can also be grown outdoors in partial shade (and when protected from cold/frost).
- Light: They prefer indirect light
- Soil: They prefer a fast-draining, sandy potting mix
- Water: Water when the top inch of soil starts to dry out
- Availability: Currently out of stock

Majesty Palm
Majesty palms (Ravenea rivularis) make wonderful indoor palm trees. Can also be grown outdoors in partial shade (and when protected from cold/frost).
- Light: They grow best with 6-8 hours of bright light daily
- Soil: They prefer a well-draining potting soil that is well aerated
- Water: Prefers to be moist at all times without completely drying in between waterings. Benefits from a light daily misting on its fronds (leaves).
- Availability: Available while supplies last

Parlor/Parlour Palm
Also known as Neanthe bella, Chamaedorea elegans is a wildly popular, easy to care for indoor palm with a delicate appearance and bamboo-like stems with light green fronds.
- Light: Prefers medium to bright indirect light or a little bit of early morning or late afternoon light. Tolerates low indirect light.
- Soil: Allow soil to dry in between waterings
- Water: Water sparingly — approximately every 1-2 weeks. Prefers normal to higher humidity.
- Other: Slow growing, helps to purify the air, prefers to not have its roots disturbed very often, and flowers and produces inedible fruits at its base.
- Availability: Available while supplies last

Ponytail Palm
This easy to care for palm is great for folks who like to travel! Can also be grown outdoors.
- Light: Prefers bright light and can tolerate direct sun
- Soil: Prefers to have the soil dry out in between waterings
- Water: Water thoroughly, though infrequently - possibly every other week
- Other: Enjoys dry air and fertilizing once in spring and once in summer
- Availability: Available while supplies last
Outdoor Palms
Outdoor palms trees make a great addition to your desert garden landscape. Check out these varieties that grow well in the valley.

Bismarck Palm
The Bismarck Palm (Bismarckia nobilis) is a unique blue palm for the Valley of the Sun.
- Light: Prefers full sun to part shade in a wind-protected area
- Soil: Prefers well-drained soils
- Water: Heat and drought-tolerant, once established
- Growth: Can grow up to 70 feet high and 16 feet wide.
- Other: A great choice for a gorgeous, large specimen plant due to its beautiful, giant silvery-green fan palms and symmetrical crown. Disease and pest resistant.
- Availability: Currently out of stock

Cardboard Palm
While tecnically not a palm, the carboard palm (Zamia furfuracea) can be grown indoors or out.
- Light: Prefers shade to morning sun outdoors. Indoors, thrives in moderate to bright light.
- Soil: Well-draining soil
- Water: Deep, weekly watering in summer; water approximately every other week in fall and winter
- Growth: Slow and low growing to a 3-4 feet spread
- Other: Protect from frost and cold. Goes dormant in winter. Excellent for xeriscape gardens.
- Availability: Available while supplies last

Madagascar Palm
Athough palm-like in appearance, Pachypodium Lamerei is actually a deciduous flowering succulent that can grow large, fragrant white flowers at its top once mature.
- Light: Performs best in shade or morning sun
- Soil: Prefers well-drained soil
- Water: Water regularly during warm growing season; water less in winter
- Growth: Can grow 4-6 feet tall and 3-4 feet wide
- Other: Protect from frost. Can be grown as a specimen, in containers or in rock gardens.
- Availability: Available while supplies last

Mediterranean Fan Palm
Also known as a European Fan Palm (Chamaerops humilis), this durable, heat-loving evergreen palm boasts an attractive multi-trunk growth habit and fan-shaped leaves.
- Light: Full sun to partial sun
- Soil: Tolerates poor soils. Benefits from a slow-release palm fertilizer in spring, summer and fall
- Water: Water regularly, weekly or more often in extreme heat or in containers
- Growth: Slow growing, forming clumps 10-20 feet tall and wide
- Other: Excellent as a single specimen or grouped. Wonderful with accent night lighting. Great poolside, in containers as barriers, etc. Wind, frost, sun, and drought tolerant.
- Availability: Available while supplies last

Pygmy Date Palm
Looking for a great tropical accent for your garden landscape? Phoenix roebelenii is a wonderful choice. Also known as a Dwarf Date Palm, a Miniature Date Palm and a Robellini Palm.
- Light: Enjoys full sun to part shade (if planted in a container, grows best when protected from hot afternoon sun)
- Soil: Prefers sandy, well-drained soil
- Water: Is moderately drought-tolerant, once established. Water sparingly in winter.
- Growth: Slow-growing with an upright habit to 6-10 feet tall and 6-8 feet wide
- Other: Benefits from occassional pruning. Wind resistant. Grows well in containers, especially when fertilized monthly.
- Availability: Available while supplies last

Sago Palm
Although not technically a palm, Sago palms (Cycas revoluta) are easy to care for and can be grown indoors or out.
- Light: Prefers full or partial sun
- Soil: Benefits from well-drained, sandy, moist soil
- Water: Allow to dry out some in between waterings
- Growth: Extremely slow growing to 3-10 feet tall and wide
- Availability: Available while supplies last

Looking for the Perect Soil for Your Palms?
E.B. Stone Organics Citrus & Palm Potting or Planting Mix
This versitile mix can be used as both a soil amendment or as a ready-to-use potting soil. This 100% natural and organic mix is blended for all types of citrus, palms, and other tropical plants. Blended to provide excellent aeration and water retention to help your tropical plants thrive. Ingredients: Aged Fir Bark, Lava Rock, Sand, Volcanic Pumice, Aged Redwood, and Peat Moss.
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