About Roses

For the Love of Roses
Roses can be added to your garden to address a variety of landscaping needs—all while adding gorgeous blooms with gentle textures, colors and fragrances. At SummerWinds Nursery, we have a fabulous selection of roses, grown to thrive in the Metropolitan Phoenix Area and available seasonally, while supplies last.
Types of Roses
Hybrid Tea Roses
Hybrid Tea Roses are one of the earliest types of modern garden roses and remain a favorite among gardeners. This variety was developed by crossing hybrid perpetual roses with tea roses. Known for their elegant, tall stems and minimal foliage, they produce large, beautifully shaped single blooms that are perfect for cutting and displaying. These roses are celebrated for their vibrant colors and classic, high-centered flower shape.
Grandiflora Roses
Grandiflora roses combine the finest qualities of both hybrid tea and floribunda roses. They feature the classic, elegant blooms of hybrid teas, but grow in clusters on long stems, similar to floribundas, with continuous blooming throughout the season. These roses are known for their tall stature, often reaching up to 7 feet, and their resilience, being hardy and resistant to many diseases. Due to their height and robustness, grandifloras work well as hedges or as background plants in flower borders. This category was specifically created to showcase the distinct 'Queen Elizabeth' rose, introduced in 1955.
Floribunda Roses
Floribunda roses bring abundant blooms on every branch, with flowers that resemble the refined shape of hybrid tea roses but appear in clusters rather than singularly. These roses are a cross between polyantha species and hybrid teas, combining resilience, prolific flowering, and eye-catching, often fragrant blossoms. Floribunda varieties range from compact and low-growing to more open, reaching heights of 5 to 6 feet, making them perfect for creating tall hedges. Their foliage is typically resistant to disease, making them a low-maintenance choice for gardeners. With their continuous bloom cycles, floribundas offer lasting beauty and require only minimal spring pruning, usually just the removal of dead or damaged branches.
Landscape Uses & Growth Patterns
Roses can be incorporated into your garden landscape in numerous ways. They can be potted and grown on your patio or deck. They can also be trained to climb up a trellis or wall to provide vertical interest or a bit of privacy. Roses can also be planted right into your landscape to create a scented border or a splash of colorful interest.

Click the buttons below to learn more about the different ways you can incorporate roses into your garden landscape.
Bush & Shrub Roses Climbing & Tree Roses Rose Care & AccessoriesRose Varieties by Color
Below is a list of some of our favorite varieties. Please contact your preferred SummerWinds Nursery location for availability as selection varies seasonally, and daily by location.

Yellow & Orange Roses
- Just Joey (Hybrid Tea Rose) - shown
- Peace (Hybrid Tea Rose)
- Strike it Rich (Grandiflora Rose)
- Tahitian Sunset (Hybrid Tea Rose)

Coral Roses
- Chicago Peace (Hybrid Tea Rose)
- Sedona® (Hybrid Tea Rose)
- Tropicana (Hybrid Tea Rose) - shown

Red and Red & White Roses
- Cherry Parfait™ (Grandiflora Rose)
- Cinco de Mayo™ (Floribunda Rose)
- Dolly Parton (Hybrid Tea Rose)
- Hot Cocoa™ (Floribunda Rose)
- Legends™ (Hybrid Tea Rose)
- Oklahoma (Hybrid Tea Rose) - shown
- Scentimental™ (Floribunda Rose)

Pink & Purple Roses
- Angel Face (Floribunda Rose)
- Bewitched (Hybrid Tea Rose)
- First Prize (Hybrid Tea Rose)
- Fragrant Plum (Grandiflora Rose)
- Intrigue (Floribunda Rose) - shown

Plants that Grow Well with Roses
Click the button below to learn more about which plants grow well with roses...
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