Weed Prevention & Controls
Tired of pulling weeds?
We've got your back!
At SummerWinds Nursery, we have a variety of effective natural, organic, and synthetic weed-preventing and weed-killing solutions for your desert garden and landscape.

10% Vinegar Soil Conditioner - by The Organic Garden Guy
Kill weeds without any chemicals, using this natural 10% Vinegar. Available in 1 gallon container, while supplies last.
- For The Organic Garden Guy's Homemade Weed Control Recipe, click here.
- To view The Organic Garden Guy's video about how to use this product to kill weeds, click here.

Captain Jack's™ Deadweed Brew by Bonide
Approved for Organic gardening, Captain Jack's™ Deadweed Brew herbicide provides fast-acting controls of weeds, grass, mosses, and algae within hours!
- Use on visible weeds within: vegetable and flower gardens, landscaped areas, and lawns
- Use on visible weeds around: shrubs, trees, buildings, foundations, sidewalks, fences, patios, and driveways
- Use on visible weeds in: bark mulch and gravel
- Fast-acting grass and weed killer that kills many types of weeds and grasses
- Rainfast in three hours
- Available in 3 sizes: 128 oz, 128 oz with pistol, and 32 oz

Captain Jack's™ Lawnweed Brew by Bonide
Captain Jack's™ LawnWeed Brew is derived from iron (which occurs in nature) and offers selective control of broadleaf weeds, disease, moss, algae, and lichens in lawns.
- Quickly kills common weeds—down to the root—like dandelion, clover, moss, narrow-leaved plantain, chickweed, and thistle
- Controls rust and snow mold
- Works quickly, even in temperatures as low as 50°F
- Kills weeds, not lawns
- People and pets can enter treated area when spray dries
- Available in 2 sizes: 32 oz and 128 oz with wand

Chickweed, Clover & Oxalis Killer by Bonide
Designed for use on residential turf (lawns) to kill chickweed, clover, dandelions, ground ivy, oxalis, speedwell, veronica, wild violet, and over 100 more difficult to control weeds.
- Systemically kills weeds down to the root while not destroying your lawn
- Begins working overnight
- Is rainproof within hours of application
- Available in a 16 oz ready-to-use spray bottle

Dura Turf Crabgrass & Weed Preventer by Bonide
Effective on various turf types, it combats weeds like oxalis and chickweed, plus grasses such as foxtail and ryegrass, providing up to four months of control. Ready for immediate use, apply it easily with a granular spreader.
- Blocks crabgrass and more than 200 types of broadleaf weeds
- Offers protection for 2 to 4 months
- Suitable for both northern and southern grass varieties
- Stops crabgrass and various weeds from sprouting
- Requires watering post-application

Grass & Weed Control with Root Kill by Natria®
Kills tough weeds to the roots within minutes.
- Controls a variety of weeds and grass, including: black medic, broom, brush, common chickweed, dandelion, english daisy, horsetail, kudzu, large crabgrass, mustard species, oxalis, plantain species, poison ivy, poison oak, red clover, vines, white clover, wild blackberry, and more
- Can be used on moss, algae, and in areas where tough weeds invade
- Available in 3 sizes: 24 oz and 32 oz

Natural Weed Preventer by Preen (Vegetable Garden)
Experience a weedless vegetable garden naturally, without the effort. Preen Natural Vegetable Garden Weed Preventer delivers organic weed management for your fruits, vegetables, herbs, and ornamental beds.
- Stops the growth of dandelions, clover, crabgrass, foxtail, plantain, and many other widespread weeds
- Composed entirely of corn gluten meal
- Safe for children and pets to use the area right after it's applied
- The flip-top applicator cap simplifies the spreading process
- For optimal outcomes, reapply every four weeks
- When applied according to instructions, it's harmless around all mature plants, including vegetables, herbs, and fruits

ProZone Weed Beater® Complete by Bonide
This all-in-one weed control for lawns systemically controls weeds from the leaves to the roots. Provides both pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control.
- Controls/prevents over 200 weeds!
- Kills broadleaf and grass weeds, including: chickweed, dandelion, clover, crabgrass, nutsedge, goosegrass, ground ivy, and more.
- Works on cool and warm season grasses
- Size: 10 lb. bag

Season Long Weed Control for Lawns by BioAdvanced
Designed to effectively target and eradicate specific broadleaf weeds that have already emerged, without causing any harm to your lawn. It is versatile and can be applied at any point from spring through fall, provided the temperatures are conducive for its use.
- Destroys current weed infestations, effectively removing over 200 types of broadleaf weeds such as Dandelion, Dollarweed, and Chickweed.
- Stops the emergence of new weeds for up to six months by forming a protective barrier.
- Spray the designated area thoroughly, allow at least one hour for the treatment to settle, and then water the area to activate the barrier.
- Becomes resistant to rain within an hour, ensuring the treatment remains effective and undiluted.
- Designed for use on Perennial Ryegrass and Bermudagrass lawns and more.

Spurge Power® by Monterey
This 3-way post-emergent, selective broadleaf herbicide is designed for use on residential lawns.
- Controls dandelions, chickweeds, clover, oxalis, spurge, wild violet, and many other broadleaf weeds
- Cotains MCPA, Triclopyr, and Dicamba.
- Not for use when temperatures exceed 85° F
- Size: 1 pint

Turf & Ornamental Weed & Grass Stopper by Hi-Yield
Suitable for decorative landscape zones, mature lawns, and ornamental grass. This product offers the flexibility of being applied up to four weeks later than other crabgrass prevention options. It delivers exceptional management of crabgrass, as well as a variety of other annual grasses and broadleaf weeds.

Vegetable and Ornamental Weeder by Monterey
This pre-emergence herbicide is designed to control annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in ornamental: trees, woody shrubs, and groundcovers, as well as with roses, established flowers, and in vegetable gardens.
- Controls weeds by killing their seeds as they germinate (does not control established weeds)
- Provides long-lasting control of annual grasses, including: annual bluegrass, johnsongrass (from seed), barnyardgrass (watergrass), junglerice, brachiaria, panicum (fall), bromegrass, panicum texas, cheat, sandbur, crabgrasses, sprangletop, foxtail, stinkgrass, and woolly cupgrass
- Provides long-lasting control of broadleaf weeds, including: carpetweed, lambsquarter, chickweed, pigweed, florida pusley, puncturevine (Western US only), goosefoot, purslane, knotweed, russian thistle, kochia, and stinging nettle.
- Size: 1 pint

Weed Beater® Plus Crabgrass & Broadleaf Weed Killer by Bonide
Designed to work—right to the roots—on over 200 hard to kill weeds!
- Works well in both warm and cool weather
- Kills grassy and broadleaf weeds, such as: chickweed, clover, crabgrass, dollar weed, foxtail, oxalis, and more!
- Complete post emergent weed control
- Kills weeds not the lawn, when used as directed
- Available in 2 sizes: 32 oz ready-to-use and 32 oz ready-to-spray

Weed Beater® Ultra by Bonide
Effective on over 200 hard to kill broadleaf weeds—right down to the roots.
- Visible results in just 24 hours!
- Proven cool-weather preformance
- Rainfast, once dry
- Reseed in just 2 weeks
- Available in 4 sizes: 1 pint concentrate, 1 qt. ready-to-use, 1 qt. ready-to-spray, and 1 gallon

Weed & Grass Killer - Powered by Sea Salt by Earth’s Ally®
Powered by sea salt, this weed and grass killer kills weeds to the roots—without any harsh chemicals!
- Visible results in just 3 hours!
- Safe for people, pets and the planet, when used as directed
- Bee safe, when used as directed
- Kills dandelions, clovers, ivy, chickweed, and crabgrass
- Formulated for high foot-traffic areas
- For use on driveways, patios, mulch beds, flower beds, and sidewalks
- Good Housekeeping seal of approval
- Size: 24 fl. oz.
Questions? Stop by and speak with one of our Trusted Garden Advisors to learn which product is best for your weeding needs!