Be Inspired Blog

holiday dinner made with fresh herbs like stuffing, turkey and mashed potatoes

Herbs for the Holidays: Fresh Flavors for Thanksgiving and Christmas

Discover how fresh herbs can elevate your Thanksgiving and Christmas dishes with vibrant flavors and festive aromas. From sage and thyme to rosemary and chives, learn how to use these must-have herbs to create unforgettable holiday meals and bring the magic of the season to your table.

dia de los muertos celebration mums, marigolds, sage, rosemary, and ofreda, alter

Honoring Día de los Muertos: A Celebration of Life and Memory

Discover the significance of Día de los Muertos, a vibrant Mexican tradition honoring loved ones who have passed. Learn about the holiday's history, customs, and key symbols, including marigolds, succulents, and herbs used in celebrations, plus decorating tips for your own altar.

purple and bright green plants for containers and a witch with arms stretched and a glow at her hands

Witches Brew: Create a Spooky Halloween Container Garden

Create a spooky "Witches Brew" Halloween container garden with eerie plants like Black Mondo Grass, Purple Heuchera, White Cyclamen, Lamb's Ear, and Purple Penstemon. Perfect for adding gothic charm to fall gardens!

preparing for fall and planting flowers like pansies and mums, pruning, spraying insects and fertilizing

Prep Your Garden for the Fall Growing Season and Winter Months

In the Bay Area, mid-to-late September is key for prepping your garden for the cool, productive fall season. As warm days linger and nights cool, it's the perfect time to fertilize, plant, and follow these 10 steps for a successful end-of-summer garden cleanup.

bird feeders with birds, and sunflowers, birdbath with birds and california fuchsia

Doing It For The Birds: Create a Sanctuary For our Feathered Friends This Fall

Learn how to create a bird-friendly garden this fall with tips on providing food, water, and shelter, using native plants, and maintaining feeder hygiene. Support both local and migratory birds by transforming your Bay Area garden into a sanctuary.