two images of houseplants with the first showing a variety of houseplants on floating shelves and a second image of a peace lily houseplant and a second houseplant potted on a table

15 Popular Houseplants to Grow in Your Home Year-Round

Houseplants Do More Than Just Decorate Your Home

Indoor plants are shown to be good for your health. In addition to purifying the air, one study found that interacting with houseplants can actually reduce blood pressure and stress.

Other research supports this, with Psychology Today reporting plants are shown to:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improve reaction times
  • Increase attentiveness
  • Raise productivity
  • Improve well-being
  • Improve perceptions of the space
  • Lower levels of anxiety
  • Raise job satisfaction

A variety of houseplants - 2 of them in off-light grey textured pots

Studies have repeatedly shown that the act of taking care of plants can take our mind off of negativity, relieve stress and provide an overall calming effect. In fact it’s so good for your brain, that it’s even thought to help lower the risk of dementia by as much as one-third.

Indoor potted plants are also a great way to unplug from technology for a few minutes. After all, it’s hard to operate your smartphone when both thumbs are focused on fertilizing, pruning and watering your botanical babies.

One recent study was able to demonstrate that a group of people in their early twenties experienced a massive decrease in blood pressure and other physical stress symptoms when they followed a computer-related task with an indoor gardening session. The results suggested that tending to indoor potted plants, “Reduced physiological and psychological stress, especially in comparison to mental tasks performed using technology.”

With the amount of time you spend inside your home, especially during the hot summer months, you’ll want to invest a variety of indoor plants you can tend year-round.

15 Popular Houseplants for Your Arizona Home

Dracaena Houseplant


These striking plants sport beautifully striped leaves and are able to withstand a little neglect if you aren’t the best at remembering to water your plants. It will happily thrive in a pot indoors, or on your patio in a partially shaded area. Avoid direct sunlight if you don’t want to scorch your plant’s leaves. Mist them lightly with water, but do not allow the soil to become soggy. These plants are also sensitive to fluoride, which is found in most tap waters, so using filtered water is recommended.

hoya houseplant up-close


As a houseplant, Hoya are low-maintenance, long-lasting and durable. What’s not to love? They make the perfect indoor plant for a tabletop or bookshelf, but can make an attractive hanging plant as well. Place them in a location with eastern exposure to ensure they get enough sun, but try to keep them out of the hotter afternoon light. Hoya prefer to keep their roots dry, so wait until the soil is dry to the touch before watering.

Monstera Deliciosa

A monstera deliciosa in a blue pot near white curtains, and a grey couch with a white and a blue pillow on it

Monstera are a beautiful statement plant that require indirect sun and a lot of space – they will be unhappy if set in a corner or on a side table. In the wild these plants will climb up trees and other plants, producing leaves as large as two feet wide. Your houseplant won’t get quite so large, but it would benefit from a trellis or pole to climb. Water your monstera moderately, about once a week, and wait until the soil is nearly dry to the touch. To curb excessive growth, avoid repotting too often and prune by pinching off new growth.

kimberly queen houseplant in the foreground of an outdoor living space

Kimberly Queen Fern (Nephrolepis)

Also known as a sword fern, this frilly fern is beautiful in a pot or hanging basket, and is one of the easiest ferns to maintain. Inside it prefers medium light and plenty of humidity, so consider placing it in a close group with other plants or placing a small humidifier near it. Keep the soil moist, but make sure it has good drainage and fertilize twice a year.

Potted Philodendron houseplant


Philodendron love being indoor plants, but they do appreciate the occasional trip outdoors to a shady spot. Indoors, the plant prefers bright but indirect sunlight to prevent the leaves from scorching and turning yellow. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between watering and fertilize monthly in spring and summer, reducing to once every six weeks in the fall and winter.

Chinese Monkey Plant

Chinese Money Plant

Also known as Pilea peperomioides, this quick-growing plant is very popular, and does well near a bright window for plenty of indirect sunlight. Try to rotate it once or twice a week to prevent all the stems from growing in the same direction. They prefer sandy soil that dries out between watering, and fertilizer twice a year.



Pothos plants will do well in just about any environment. They prefer nutrient rich soil, but won’t hesitate to grow in poorer conditions. They also enjoy indirect sunlight, but tolerate low-light conditions well enough that they are a popular addition to bathrooms and offices. Fertilize your Pothos every three months; it should be watered once the top inch of soil has dried out.

Watering a sansevieria, otherwise known as a  snake plant houseplant

Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

Snake Plants are one of the toughest houseplants out there, and will take just about anything you throw at them. Their leaves are tall, strong and bold, and are known for filtering certain toxins out of the air. Water your plant once every two to six weeks and make sure the soil dries out almost completely between watering. Keep them out of direct sunlight to avoid scorching the leaves.

A spider plant in a black and white pot on a wooden table outside

Spider Plant

This is another tough plant that will tolerate a lot of abuse. Provide them with well drained soil and bright, indirect light and they will happily grow. Water them well, but allow the soil to dry out between waterings. This plant is beautiful both sitting on a tabletop or hanging.

ZZ plant on top of a woven round stool

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas Zamiifolis)

The “ZZ” plant has beautiful dark green leaves whose waxy surface reflects the light and helps brighten any room. They are drought tolerant and accept low-light conditions without problems, which makes them ideal for darker bedrooms and offices. The plant grows slowly, reaching a mature height between two and three feet. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings and fertilize monthly. Be aware, all parts of the ZZ plant are poisonous, so keep it away from curious children or plant-nibbling pets.

An overwatered houseplant with a leaf that is yellowing and has brown spots from overwatering

Aloe Vera

Known for their ability to heal cuts and burns, aloe vera is one of the best houseplants due to their air purifying qualities and easy care. Make sure your pot has drain holes as these plants do best in dry conditions.

Calathea Houseplant


These plants feature large leaves with vibrant shades of dark green, light green and purple. They grow well in bright light, but because the leaves can be sensitive to the sun you should try to avoid direct sunlight. Make sure you let the soil dry out a bit before watering, too.

Croton houseplant


These houseplants are sure to provide natural beauty to any room as their multiple varieties feature large leaves with exotic color combinations such as yellow, green and red. Want yours to show off more color? Although they can survive in both low and bright light, the more light you give them, the more color you’ll see in the leaves. Make sure you water yours regularly as they like consistent moisture.

Maidenhair Fern

Maidenhair Fern

Although they may look delicate, these indoor plants are actually quite durable. They thrive in medium to high light as well as humidity, making them perfect for kitchens and restrooms. Or, if you want to put yours in a drier room of the house, place them on a tray of pebbles and continually filling the tray with water.

Peace Lily

Peace Lily

When it comes to indoor plants, these are one of the most common varieties. In addition to being easy to care for, they regularly bloom stunning white flowers year-round. They can also thrive in areas with less light. Water regularly as they prefer consistently moist soil.

Let SummerWinds Help You Find the Perfect Indoor Plants

Do you want more ideas for greenery to add to your home?  Come visit one of our nearby locations and speak with our Trusted Garden Advisors today!