fiddle leaf fig houseplant close up, in full view at the foot of the stairs and an overhead view

Houseplant Advice: How to Care for the Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

If there’s one houseplant that’s stolen the spotlight in interior design, it’s the Fiddle Leaf Fig tree (Ficus lyrata). With its large, glossy green leaves and sculptural beauty, this plant makes a bold statement in any home. It’s no wonder it has become a favorite for decorators, plant lovers, and Instagram enthusiasts alike.

But here’s the thing—while absolutely gorgeous, Fiddle Leaf Figs can be a little fussy. They don’t just thrive anywhere, and they have some very specific needs. The good news? With the right care, your Fiddle Leaf Fig can grow into a stunning, long-lasting centerpiece for your space. Here’s everything you need to know to keep your plant healthy, vibrant, and growing beautifully.

How to Care for a Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

1. Finding the Right Lightfiddle leaf fig houseplant in the window

If there’s one thing a Fiddle Leaf Fig loves, it’s bright, indirect light. These plants naturally grow under the canopy of tall trees in the rainforest, so they need plenty of light—but not direct, harsh sun.

Place your plant near a large, south- or east-facing window with filtered light. Rotate it every few weeks so it grows evenly and doesn’t lean toward the light. Avoid placing it in low-light areas or far from windows—it won’t thrive there.

2. Watch Out for Drafts & Temperature Swingsfiddle leaf fig houseplant next to window

Fiddle Leaf Figs come from warm, humid environments, so they don’t like sudden temperature changes.

  • Keep them in a consistent environment, ideally between 65–75°F.
  • Make sure your windows and doors aren’t drafty, especially in winter.
  • Keep them away from air conditioning vents, heaters, and fans.

A cold draft or a blast of hot air can quickly stress your plant, leading to dropped leaves.

3. Watering: The Right Balance is Keywoman spritzing a fiddle leaf fig houseplant

One of the trickiest parts of Fiddle Leaf Fig care is watering. Too much, and you risk root rot. Too little, and the leaves turn brown and crispy.

  • Water once a week, but only if the top 2–3 inches of soil feel dry.
  • Use room-temperature, filtered water to avoid shocking the roots.
  • Make sure your pot has good drainage—standing water is a big no-no.
  • Overwatering? You’ll see yellowing leaves and mushy roots.
  • Underwatering? You’ll notice browning edges and dry, brittle leaves.

Pro Tip: Try sticking your finger into the soil before watering. If it still feels moist, wait a few more days!

4. Pruning: Less is Moredamaged fiddle leaf fig houseplant

Pruning isn’t just for shaping your plant—it also helps promote new, healthy growth.

  • Trim leggy or spindly branches to encourage a bushier look.
  • Prune the top if your plant is getting too tall.
  • Remove yellow or damaged leaves to keep the plant healthy.
  • Avoid over-pruning—cutting off too much at once can stress your plant.

Fun Fact: Every cut you make will encourage two new growth points, helping your plant become fuller over time!

5. Common Fiddle Leaf Fig Problems & How to Fix Themfiddle leaf fig houseplnat in wicker planter

Brown Spots on Leaves? Likely caused by overwatering or a fungal issue. Solution: Let the soil dry out before watering again and ensure the pot drains well.

Dropping Leaves? This could be from sudden temperature changes, under-watering, or moving the plant too often. Solution: Keep watering consistent and avoid shifting the plant around too frequently.

Dusty Leaves? Fiddle Leaf Figs collect dust, which blocks light absorption. Solution: Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth every couple of weeks to keep them shiny and healthy.

Yes, Fiddle Leaf Fig trees have a reputation for being a little high-maintenance, but with the right care, they can become a show-stopping statement piece in your home. Stick to a good routine of bright light, proper watering, and occasional pruning, and your plant will reward you with lush, stunning growth for years to come.

Ready to bring one home? Stop by SummerWinds Nursery today and find the perfect Fiddle Leaf Fig for your space!