Be Inspired Blog


The Benefits of Planting Camellias in Your Garden

When you’re spending time in your garden and deciding how you want to up your planting game, why not consider the beautiful camellia? This attractive wild evergreen shrub originally from China can provide year-round foliage and cool-season flowers. With thousands [...]

2 different types of cover crops planted over soil during winter and cooler months

Feed Your Soil So It Feeds You! Plant Cover Crops

If you are not planning to grow cool season veggies, the best thing you can do for your garden is to grow a cover crop. Cover crops feed the soil by being tilled under once properly matured. While growing, cover crops [...]

woman holding fresh cut perennials fresh cut peonies in white vase and light pink yarrow

6 of the Best Perennials for Fresh Cut Flowers

Everyone loves fresh cut flowers, and these perennials will keep your vases full year after year! Our first recommendation is salvia, which is drought-tolerant.

person scraping food scraps into a bucket that says compost

Conservation with Compost: How to Improve Water Holding Capacity in Soil

Compost makes water conservation so much easier as a gardener! We've explained the data from a University of Michigan study to help you save more water with compost. Social: Cut back your garden watering to once every two weeks with this simple trick!

garden recipe images of mango salad, strawberry lime margarita and lemon cupcakes

Garden Recipes for a Great Fourth of July

For the Fourth of July, the best recipes of snacks and drinks to enjoy on the patio include strawberry limeade, spicy mango salad, and lemon-basil fruit salad!