Tomatoes - The Best Varieties

The Best in Tomato Varieties
There are so many varieties of tomatoes available, if you don’t already have your favorites, selecting the best tomatoes can seem overwhelming. So, we’ve selected “The Best” for you.
5 Best Cherry Tomatoes

Sweet 100 Cherry Tomatoes
This cherry tomato is not only great tasting, it is a heavy producer of sweet, bite-sized tomatoes. A vigorous vine with long trusses. Indeterminate

Sungold Cherry Tomatoes
This is a great choice if you are looking for a cherry tomato that produces sweet, orange tomatoes that will lend great color to your salads. It’s vigorous vine produces early and continues through first frost. Indeterminate

Black Cherry Tomatoes
Black Cherry is an Heirloom variety with deep purplish-red fruit and a lovely tomato taste. It is an impressive Heirloom tomato that offers great resistance to diseases. Indeterminate

Sun Sugar Cherry Tomatoes
Although called yellow cherry, these little tomatoes are orange at their peak of ripening. Sun Sugar was named by Sunset magazine as the best tasting tomato for its sweetness and incredible rich tomato flavor. Indeterminate

Grape or Juliet Tomatoes
Referred to as a mini roma because of its shape, the crack resistant fruit is sweet. As juicy as regular cherry tomatoes, the Juliet hold up even better in salads and have a longer shelf life. Quite heat tolerant. Vines are long and vigorous, so give the plant room to tumble over its cage. Indeterminate
4 Best Heirloom and Hybrid Tomatoes

Black Krim
Black Krim is one of the most flavorful heirloom beefsteak tomatoes. Large, sweet, reddish-purple fruits that are beautiful when sliced or cut in wedges. Indeterminate

Cherokee Purple
Cherokee Purple has a smoky sweetness that offers a great twist to salads and sauces. Indeterminate

Hawaiian Pineapple
Named for its shape, not flavor, the Pineapple tomato is a large bi-color beefsteak tomato. Known for its excellent flavor it is mildly sweet with low acidity, somewhat fruity, and includes a hint of citrus. Its flavor improves towards end of season. Indeterminate

Early Girl
This tomato is a great tomato for early harvest and northern or cool-summer gardens. It produces clusters of deep-red fruits with just the right combination of sweetness and true tomato flavor. Indeterminate
3 Best Sauce Tomatoes

Roma are dense Italian plum with sweet, firm flesh, high pectin content, not much juice, and few seeds. Their low moisture content gives them extended fresh storage time, and they’re great for all things Italian.

San Marzano
San Marzano - this indeterminate plant produces high yields of heavy fruits and is resistant to verticilium and fusarium wilt 1, tobacco mosaic virus, nematodes, and bacterial speck. Indeterminate

For an heirloom tomato you can eat straight off the vine, crack-resistant, sweet tasting and ideal for sauces, Ace is your tomato. Determinate
Other Tomato Types, Care and Planting
At SummerWinds Nursery, we pride ourselves on having the best products and most knowledgeable staff. Stop in today and let one of our Trusted Garden Advisors show you how to plant and care for your tomatoes