Climbing Roses
In Bay Area landscapes, climbing roses are often used to add vertical interest, cover fences, trellises, and arbors, and provide stunning, continuous blooms throughout the growing season. Their ability to climb and spread makes them ideal for creating romantic, vibrant focal points in gardens, while their fragrant and colorful blooms attract pollinators. Climbing roses also work well in spaces where gardeners want to soften walls or add privacy with a living, flowering screen, making them a versatile choice for both decorative and functional use.

Iceberg Climbing Roses
Known for its vigorous growth and profuse blooms, this rose features clusters of medium-sized, semi-double white flowers.
- It is highly disease-resistant
- Blooms repeatedly throughout the season

Joseph's Coat Climbing Rose
This rose is celebrated for its multicolored blooms that change from yellow to red as they mature.
- It has a strong climbing habit
- Flowers continuously

Lady In Red™ Climbing Rose
Features deep red flowers with a velvety texture that cover the plant from spring to fall.
- Moderate growth rate
- Good resistance to diseases

Pearly Gates Climbing Rose
Boasts large, fragrant, pale pink blooms that appear in abundant clusters.
- Excellent disease resistance, especially to rust and mildew

Sky's The Limit™ Climbing Rose
Noted for its buttery yellow blooms that are unusually vibrant and eye-catching.
- Offers a continuous display of flowers and robust growth
- Shows shows good resistance to common rose diseases
Source: Weeks Roses at