Flowering Shrubs

boronia crenulata flowering shrubWhat Floral Delights! Embrace the Alluring World of Flowering Shrubs.

A flowering shrub is a type of shrub that produces vibrant and colorful blooms. These shrubs add beauty and visual interest to the landscape with their attractive flowers, which can vary in size, shape, and color. Flowering shrubs are typically selected for their ability to thrive in the Bay Area's climate and soil conditions, providing a burst of color throughout the growing season. They can be used as focal points, accents, or mass plantings, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of gardens, borders, and landscapes.

These flowering shrubs will offer a delightful and ever-changing display of nature's beauty in your garden...

Please note that selection may vary by location

tibouchina urvilleana flowering shrubTibouchina urvilleana

  • Height: Can grow up to 6-8 feet tall.
  • Foliage: Displays dark green, velvety leaves that are oval-shaped.
  • Flowers: Produces vibrant, showy purple flowers with a velvety texture. Blooms from late summer to fall.
  • Other Features: Tibouchina urvilleana, also known as Princess Flower, is a tropical shrub that can add a burst of color to the landscape. It requires a warm microclimate or protected location in the Bay Area.

polygala petite butterflies flowering shrubPolygala 'Petite Butterflies'

  • Height: Typically grows up to 1-2 feet tall.
  • Foliage: Features small, elongated green leaves.
  • Flowers: Bears clusters of butterfly-shaped flowers in shades of purple or pink. Blooms sporadically throughout the year.
  • Other Features: 'Petite Butterflies' is a compact shrub that provides delicate and unique flowers. It requires well-drained soil and benefits from regular pruning to maintain its shape.

boronia crenulata flowering shrubBoronia 'Shark Bay'

  • Height: Usually grows 2-3 feet tall.
  • Foliage: Displays fine, needle-like leaves that are aromatic.
  • Flowers: Produces clusters of fragrant pink or red flowers. Blooms in spring.
  • Other Features: 'Shark Bay' is a compact shrub with attractive foliage and flowers. It prefers well-drained soil and benefits from regular pruning after flowering.

plumbago imperial blue flowering shrubPlumbago 'Imperial Blue'

  • Height: Can reach heights of 3-4 feet.
  • Foliage: Features glossy green leaves that are lance-shaped.
  • Flowers: Bears clusters of small, sky blue flowers. Blooms from spring to fall.
  • Other Features: 'Imperial Blue' is a versatile shrub that can be trained as a climber or grown as a shrub. It is drought-tolerant once established and attracts butterflies.

orange azalea shrub hybridAzalea hybrids

  • Height: Varies depending on the cultivar, ranging from 2-6 feet tall.
  • Foliage: Displays green leaves that can be evergreen or deciduous, depending on the variety.
  • Flowers: Produces abundant flowers in various colors, including shades of pink, red, purple, or white. Blooms in spring.
  • Other Features: Azalea hybrids are popular for their showy, colorful flowers. They prefer acidic soil and partial shade, making them well-suited for the Bay Area.

pink rhododendron hybrid flowering shrubRhododendron hybrids

  • Height: Varies depending on the cultivar, ranging from 3-10 feet tall.
  • Foliage: Features large, leathery leaves that are evergreen.
  • Flowers: Bears large, stunning flowers in a wide range of colors, including shades of pink, red, purple, white, or bi-colored. Blooms in spring.
  • Other Features: Rhododendron hybrids are prized for their beautiful flowers and attractive foliage. They prefer acidic soil and partial shade, making them suitable for the Bay Area.