Tasty Garden Essentials

tasty garden edible plants on racks at garden center peppers and herbs

We want to help make growing your own Tasty Garden a success.  We've created a list of gardening products we recommend to help you get there...

True Organic™

True Organic™ is the only organic fertilizer that is Certified Food Safe for edible gardens. TRUE products are ISO 22000 Food Safety Certified, which means they are rigorously tested for pathogens to help produce a safer product to grow your food in.

A photo of True Organic Herb & Leafy Greens Food - Organic FertilizerTrue Organic™ Herb and leafy Greens - 4 lb.

This 4-4-6 organic fertilizer was developed to produce abundant herbs and leafy greens. For both in-ground and container plants. Contains 7% calcium and 1% sulfur. 4 lb. granule package.

A bottle of True Organic Liquid Tomato & Vegetable Food - Organic FertilizerTrue Organic™ - Liquid tomato and vegetable food - 16 oz.

This 3-2-2 organic liquid fertilizer was developed for organic fruits, vegetables and herbs. For both in-ground and container plants. Apply every two weeks during growing season. 2 oz. of fertlizer per gallon of water. Covers 30 sq. ft. 16 oz. concentrate squeeze bottle with flip-top cap.

E.B. stone organics organic compost

E.B. Stone Organics - Organic Compost

Composts and the organic matter they contain are the foundation of rich garden soils and a key component of successful organic gardens of all kinds making this amendment an invaluable addition to any garden. It’s ideal for use in vegetable gardens and flower beds, around trees and shrubs, and even on lawns. It can be added to the soil at time of planting or used as a surface mulch later on.

foxfarm ocean forest potting soil

FoxFarm Ocean Forest Potting Soil

A powerhouse blend of aged forest products, sphagnum peat moss, earthworm castings, bat guano, fish emulsion, and crab meal. Designed for containers. Aged forest products, sandy loam, and sphagnum peat moss give Ocean Forest® its light, aerated texture.

E.B. stone organics tomato and vegetable food

Tomato and Vegetable Food

E.B. Stone Organics Tomato & Vegetable Food, available in 4 lb. and 15 lb. Package.  This 4-5-3 mixture can be used throughout your vegetable garden, in addition to being used with soft fruits (such as strawberries) to produce high-quality fruits and vegetables. Registered cdfa.

Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil

Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil

Bonide All Seasons® Horticultural Spray Oil contains a Superior paraffinic oil to be used to kill listed insects and diseases on plants by smothering. Approved for organic gardening.

Monterey sluggo plus kills slugs and snails 2.5 lb. jug

Sluggo Plus

2.5 lb. - For Organic Gardening to use outdoors around residential sites to kill earwigs, cutworm, sowbugs, pillbugs, crickets, ants (excluding Fire Ants, Harvester Ants, Pharaoh’s Ants and Carpenter Ants), slugs, and snails. Contains Spinosad, derived from a naturally-occurring soil dwelling bacterium.

Gonzo copper stopper slug and snail barrier tape and applicationGONZO® Copper Stopper™ Slug & Snail Barrier Tape

Slugs and snails are deterred from crossing GONZO® Copper Stopper™ Barrier Tape as their slime secretions react with the copper surface providing them with an unpleasant sensation.

An assortment of colorful tomato cagesGrowing Tomatoes? - Don't Forget Tomato Cages

Colorful and protective, our tomato cages are not only decorative, they provide the needed support for your tomatoes as they grow